Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Now this is her favorite spot in Chad's van! She thinks she is MUCH little than what she truly is. In this photo she is probably 57 pounds.Corona is about 5 1/2 years now....she is really growing up

Monday, August 17, 2009

Timothy in Afghanistan { on the right

Biking with Three Dogs

No time for the computer

As the title...states...."NO time for the computer!" A friend of mine used to say, "Life gets in the way." Usually, she used that statement referring to.......the daily things in life....get in the way of doing the things you would REALLY like and RATHER be doing."

I have to say.....I am struggling to simplify my life....but to no avail, it hasn't happened.

Lately, I have been riding Hija' more....she is such a WONDERFUL horse....I am so very happy to have her in my life.

Tuesday, March 31, 2009

March 31, 2009

Where to begin??? Alot has been going on lately....started working with my husband doing hardwood floors. Wow....what can I say....I have nothing but respect for all the hardwork he has done these past years....
As far as I can remember, I've made lists....TO DO lists....!!!
Quite frankly, I'm tired of them....I never accomplish the whole list. But on the flip side, I feel quite accomplish when I finish multiple tasks on my list!!!
I'm still in the process of de-junking my life.....it's amazing the things we end up with. My mom, was very impressed with what I GOT RID OF...and it inspired her to do the same.
I am still not where I want to be....but I am closer!!! Book recommendation: "Clear Your Clutter With Feng Shui" by Karen Kingston. Great book....it truly got me moving...got it for a bargin on Amazon.
Well.....I better get going....gotta' get more done on my list!!!