Wednesday, January 9, 2008

Last night's workout with Debbie

Deb was quite a trooper! I hope I do as much for her, as she did for me...just showing up to work out and doing her very best.
I ALWAYS laugh with this girl.....!!! She is a wonderful, wonderful person!!!
We are working out Thursday evening...right after caring for our horses! Remember when I posted, that I was getting used to working out by myself? Well.........I like having a training partner. I hope she sticks with it and WE see the results we want and deserve.

What Truly Makes Me Happy?

I would have to say, for quite some time I would describe myself as "indifferent."
For 2008, one goal is to truly be "HAPPY." For me to be happy in my own skin....throughtout this process of getting lean.....etc.
So today, I am focusing on what a great base of muscles I have....I'm thankful for that.
I am HAPPY when my family is happy....
When life is good...there's no problems!
I am happy when I'm NOT at my job.
Happy when I'm having fun with my husband.
Riding horses....enjoying some new trails with a good friend.
Happy when my daughter and son say I love you mom.
Happy when I'm biking with my dogs...and I swear they look up at me and smile...:)
Feeling the results of a good workout!
Eating clean does make me happy.....
Ummmm....chocolate.....makes me temporarily happy.