Thursday, February 7, 2008

Jossee and Corona {our 20 mile bike ride}

Our 20 mile bike ride! {Not much if you are a human...but if you are a's quite a hike}If I had my way about it...we'd live in a warmer climate and bike all the time. I use something called a Springer dog walker, to enable the dogs to be harness to the frame of my bike. I also use prong collars with leashes attached and loosely held in my hands, while I hold onto the bike handles. Ummm...we've only crashed twice and it was JOSSEE'S fault. She has not been known for her intelligence. What she lacks in that department she makes up for with her BIG heart. Corona KNOWS right and left...and I say "whoa" to stop at stop signs. We've been doing this for 2.5 years and Jossee is still clueless. Well, on Jossee's behalf....Corona and I were focused on going straight and Joss...went right...and the back tire hit a slick spot. { It was November in Illinois and we were riding thru the grass } WE HAD to EXERCISE THAT we humans were having a large party and the canines needed to be calm and TIRED.

4 Pounds off!

Oh...I'm so happy! I've lost a few pounds...hopefully ALL bodyfat and not muscle. I've been off the weight lifting for about 2 weeks now. It's very discouraging, as I was on a roll and very motivated...ready to get in the best shape of my life. But I'm not gonna' let it get me down, because I have alot of confidence in the chiropractor/acupuncturist I'm seeing...he's helped me more in 4 visits than some have with a year of visits.

This "cold" is very frustrating to feel exhausted and not have exercised. Feeling drained after cleaning a horse stall.....pitiful!!!

Tell ya', what feels good though.....drinking a protein drink made with ice and skim could pass for ice cream to me right now. I do feel it has been key to shedding a couple excess pounds.