Wednesday, February 20, 2008

Chiropractor ~ Acupuncture ~ Horseback riding

Hey, haven't posted in awhile....I'm really ready for winter to be over and I can start riding my horses again. My workout buddy is gone on vacation for the next two weeks....ironically she is my new riding buddy....I'm anxious for the riding season to be upon us so I can get these horse into shape!
Had the best acupuncture "session" yet...he's really relieving the pain in my hip and it seems more centered and not so forward. I can actually lift my leg up without so much pain. He mentioned he'd like to "get me well enough" to get on the treadmill. { Little does he know I've been lifting a few times a week} Ummm...maybe I'm not giving him enough credit...he probably knows my how tight my muscles have been.
The doctor basically "prescribed" Yoga, for me and I like it. I really don't count that as calorie burning exercise. I categorize it as beneficial to my well being.
I guess the process of me being the best me I can be is gonna' take a little longer than I thought.
Until later....