Monday, June 9, 2008

Pitbull Story....very cute

I ran into a big Pit Bull last night, outside of the Mini Mart on the way home from class. Now I can see what all the media hype is about. It was TERRIFYING...He was hanging out with his owner in front of the store, a few folks ahead of me gave him PLENTY of space as they walked to the door. Their swift maneuvers surely saved them from severe injuries, whew! I wasn't so lucky. It must have been a big gust of wind or a lapse in judgement from my paralyzing fear - but I got too close to him, somehow I ended up right NEXT to him...Then it happened: he LICKED my hand, assaulting me with his saliva. His tail was moving side to side quickly, like some sort of deadly whip. Then, he laid down on the ground and showed his belly.Thinking quickly and of my survival, I scratched his tummy. One of his rear legs started moving in a circular motion - obviously, he was trying MAUL me. He got up, and then rubbed his side against my leg. I think he was trying to knock me down so he could EAT me alive. I don't know how I escaped his wrath, but I did. I look at life differently now, having survived my experience with the dreaded Pit Bull . Be careful out there, people.


Anonymous said...

Cute story. I have a four year old pit bull and am very petite to begin with, but you would swear I was walking down the street with heavily armed men or something. I have had families literally pick up their children and cross the street, glaring in our direction. But she's pretty terrifying, sounds just like the one you described!!

Anonymous said...

Ha HA , I have a pretty pitty and she is the best dog, i love her her name is Oakley after annie Oakley and she is real fast on the trigger. she will lick you to death. but i will say she is very loyal and protective totally) So if someone did run up to me to scare me or something she will have something to say about it. She is the best, she is a female about 70lbs, but she is a rescue too. so she is very protective of me .