Tuesday, January 8, 2008

Work out: 1/8/2008

Work out will be the same as mentioned below. I'm just getting my body back into the swing of things ~ concentrating on form and really working the muscle being used.
"No cheating" and even though my back is NOT 100%.....those squats will be "perfect" form!

I'm looking forward to feeling and seeing the progress my body will make. I will be at the gym right after work....unless it's raining...I will have to run home take care of the horses...maybe let the dogs out for a pee. My gym clothes are already in the car....I'll be there.

I'm planning on working out in the evenings until the time change and then switch to 5 am workouts. My evenings will be spent, caring and riding the horses, exercising dogs, and let us not forget...QUALITY TIME FOR MY HUBBY!!! I like to set aside some time for my daughter...if at least to catch a movie or lunch. I wish I could influence her in lifting weights? Something? Now don't get me wrong...she danced for years and has a great shape....but it's healthier to "keep" active for the rest of your life.

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