Tuesday, January 8, 2008

Some people say.....

Well, Gab it should be easier for you this time around, you know what to do to shed the fat and expose the muscle. I really don't buy into that ~ do I really know what to do? I was fortunate enough to have several supportive friends at the gym, a great friend...Teri...who was there for me with all my family drama...though all the tears...while training, tanning, doing our routines in the sauna...and she painted me several times before the show.
A wonderful trainer who was very creative and pushed me incredibly hard. I never wanted to let her down...Sherry had a way of bringing out the best in me. She's a very inspiring person, that made me discover how much drive I truly possessed. My training buddy..Staci...who also encouraged me....I think she was just as excited as I was to see all the positive changes my body was displaying. It's funny.....how.....I felt like a became a "body" experiment....I was a body responding to outside forces and food intake. I was told what to do.....and I did it. What did I learn? Alot.....but what have I retained? It's all just a blurr......a prolonged, low carb, no sleep, cardioed-out blurr.

What's difficult is.....remembering what I could do...and now I can not. {{at least not yet}} Struggling with the excess weight and time restrictions of life. Building up my cardio again....btw...any and all suggestions are appreciated. Reaching for heavier dumbbells and putting them back....fighting with tendonitis, collarbone and shoulder issues....as well as low back issues. {{Ok....I wasn't going to state the "issues"....believe me I know there are tons of people worse off than me.}}

I remember experiencing the thrill of push-ups and chinups....and beliveve me, my trainer did not allow GIRLY pushups or chinups then!

So this is my battle.....one I will win.....in time.....now I have to learn and experience what works for me.

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