Tuesday, January 8, 2008

Brief reflection of the past few years

Just a matter of two short years ago, there would not be a day that went by that I wasn't working out by 5am on weekdays and between 7 or 7:30 on weekends. I looked forward to it! I had held that schedule for approx 4 years. No easy task while working full time, two children in junior high then high school. Usually one horse, and two dogs also needing a portion of my time. Let's not forget my other half too...my husband.

"Life gets in the way." Is a quote that has been said to me many times. It seems since the competition, shoulder surgery....and out-of-the-ordinary family problems....have yet again distracted me from pursuing health and fitness. "Something has always got to give" I would like to meet the person that can "do it all."

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